Friday, December 17, 2010

.peanutbutter + jelly mix.

I wanted to do pink+pink,
so I just threw on my pink-on-pink leggins and my pink heart turtleneck.
And then my hat, bracelets, and shoes were just random.


Sarah said...

LOVE the pink on pink! And the sequined had is gorgeous. Your poses are what really take this blog to a whole new level of magic, though.
You are the most awesomest of awesome, my dear!

Sarah said...

Oops.. "had" was supposed to be "hat" obviously. Duh.

Georgie Blue said...

Thank you.

Kani said...

Very cool poses! And I really like the contrast of the sapphire blue hat with the pink clothes.

Georgie Blue said...

Thank you!
I'm getting very good comments so far, especially this one :)